Ana Marietta | LUX Center for the Arts | Art Gallery, Classes, Summer Camps & Outreach

Ana Marietta

Ana Marietta

Profile Location
Houston , TX

Artist Introduction Video

Mural Map



“Hi, my name is Ana Marietta. I am a Puerto Rican living in Houston, Texas. I am an agronomist, sculptor, and mural artist. I graduated from Animal Sciences from the University of Puerto Rico in 2005. I’ve been painting murals for over 10 years. I love to incorporate imaginary animals and humanoid beings in my work. I create characters that portray scenes of peace in times of conflict, in a physically impossible environment to play with the viewers imagination. The mural I’m creating for Emerge is inspired by the ability that we all have to make impossible things come true through our art. Like fish that fly or birds that can swim. I would like to illustrate a scene of a fantastic dream that can inspire a community to imagine and create. My mural will be located on the Suds N’ Scissors building at 2621 N 48th Street. I can’t wait to see you at Emerge!”

Artist Statement

I believe peace is possible, I believe in common sense, I believe in Human Intelligence.

Human Being is in constant war with everything; nature, machines, time and himself. In my work, I try to put the pieces together, so that every part of my surroundings can find peace. I empower my creatures with the ability to fix, change, or retract actions of war, pain, and conflicts that would change the history of a nation, an extinct form of living or a simple human being’s life.

I believe changes comprehend a specie’s environment as much as the specie inside. I want to play with the act of abstinence in my work, creating beasts that can deprive of live at the minimal or inexistent provocation but they choose to stay still, they choose peace.

In my imagination, different dimensions of life and time collide to create characters with mixed phenotypes, animal, mechanical and human, functioning parallel to a story that I feel every second I spend on the process but only the spectator can tell.

Suds N' Scissors – 2621 N 48th St

Mural Sponsor
Rhonda Seacrest

Artist Sponsor
Lincoln Community Foundation


Exhibitions Featuring this Artist

Shawn Dunwoody
Ana Marietta
Eder Muniz
Oria Simonini
Focus Smith
Nolan Tredway
Watie White
9/3/21 to 10/29/21
Multiple Mediums

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