Ebb & Flow | LUX Center for the Arts | Art Gallery, Classes, Summer Camps & Outreach

Ebb & Flow

Ebb & Flow

02/07/2020 - 5:00pm
February 7th, 2020 to February 28th, 2020
Artist Statement

Life is a state of ebb and flow. Our culture expects signals of permanence from us at different points in our journey. As an independent woman in my early 30s, I’m not as anchored as some expect. In my life as an artist, I work to perceive the current within and around me. On days when the current seems to be working against me, I fight with my uncertainty and doubt to continue my making process. On other days, I revel in sureness of knowing and doing what I want.

This body of work considers the power of process. I have noticed that my favorite things in my work have happened outside of my control. There is something magical about this. I pay attention to the way I feel when I’m working. I work in repetition because it has an interesting way of slowing down my perception of time. I don’t measure or weigh clay because I like to allow subtle variations to influence form and surface. I try to be conscious of opportunities to let go. When a work is in progress, there are many possibilities to consider; there are choices to make, problems to solve, and a sense of freedom to experiment.

Each series in this show, especially while in progress, is a reflection and effort to achieve a sense of calm amid the current. The process of creating is a journey that belongs to the artist. In this work, I invite the viewer to be present and to share the sense of joy that comes from making, exploring, and discovering. 

Maria Spiess is currently an Artist-in-Residence at Lux Center for the Arts. Upon completion of her residency term in August 2020, she plans on continuing to work with ceramic materials and sharing clay studio processes and general nerdiness with the Lincoln community.

Mixed Media

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